So, usually when Matt asks me what I want for my birthday, I say something like....."Oh I don't really need anything" or "I don't know". But I have come to realize that with a husband, or anyone else for that matter, you won't get what you want unless you tell them. So Matt this is for you will know.
1 I want new clothes, and not just one sweater, I want a whole new wardrobe. And I know we can't afford for me to get a new wardrobe, but I still want it.
2 I want to go on a surprise vacation. It doesn't have to be somewhere too fancy like Italy or New Zealand, but I wouldn't mind a cruise or a trip to Hawaii or Disneyland (we do have season passes...remember?). That's not asking too much is it?
3 I want a new couch! And not just any couch, I want the couch at Z-Gallerie that is like sitting on a giant teddy bear. Cause I love it!!
4 I want to be pampered in a spa (massage, pedicure, manicure and maybe another massage). It just sounds so relaxing.
5 I want to get our tv/internet fixed so I can add more things to my blog and people won't think I am a slacker.
6 I want a Wii Fit...oh wait, I already got that.
7 I want to see some friends that we haven't seen in a while (ex: Frisby's, Lifferth's, Stucki's, Whitaker's, Mildenstein's) There are more of you too that I want to see, I am just helping Matt come up with a few ideas.
8 I want Rock Band. Then people will want to come and play games with us. Also cause it's really fun and I want to play it.
9 I want laser hair removal. For
everything. Cause I think I might hate shaving more than I hate Kiera Knightley on Pirates 2.
10 I want to eat sushi more. Cause it turns out I really like it.
I think after reading all the things I want, you might realize why I say things like...."Oh I don't really need anything" or "I don't know". Cause I know most of it, is just not feasible right now. But maybe a couple things are? Yes? I guess I will just have to wait and see. The anticipation is killing me!!